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ADHD Testing​
In addition to psychotherapy, I am also taking bookings for
 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) testing. 
The UK has seen a surge in both ADHD testing and diagnosis over the past year or two, as awareness of the condition grows.  
ADHD is a common mental health disorder that starts during child development, but frequently persists throughout adolescence, and into the adult years.  
Common symptoms include inattention, distractibility, disorganisation, over activity, restlessness, impulsiveness and mood lability; and these may lead to considerable clinical and psychosocial impairments.  
ADHD is often seen at a high rate in people with other significant clinical problems including substance abuse, unstable mood states, anxiety, depression, forensic cases and emerging or developed personality disorder.
ADHD is often associated with specific learning difficulties, and is a common problem in higher education.
Getting a test for ADHD can mean huge expense, or a lengthy wait, and often both, and sometimes even no guarantee that the person testing is genuinely qualified to do so. 
I am trained by the UK Adult ADHD Network (UKAAN), in conjunction with Kings College London, to screen for and diagnose ADHD, and to distinguish it from other mental disorders. This test is done with a clinical consultation and an assessment using the DIVA interview.
I aim to respond to testing requests quickly, and to charge a reasonable fee. Post test, I will endeavour to help you think about what the most helpful next steps are. ADHD can’t be cured, but it can be treated and managed via a variety of methods.  
I am also sensitive to the pressures and stress that parents or carers for those who have ADHD face, and can offer ongoing psychotherapy designed to support those in that situation. 
Testing can be done in Central London, in Esher in Surrey, online, or in your own home. 

Please get in touch if you would like to book a test, or discuss further, either by using the contact me form here on my website, or emailing:

    © 2023 by Stephen Slatter. 

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